Have you ever asked yourself “Do I have anything interesting that truly tells a story about my life?” Most of us would say no. As we grow comfortable ...
Caring Transitions of Rochester owner Karen Menachof will be speaking at two events this week! Join us at one or both to hear her expert tips about mo...
The first step in getting organized is making sure every item in your home has a designated place and space. One item that has multiple purposes ...
With markups on retail items ranging from 50-500% and sometimes more, quality gently used or resale items are becoming more and more appealing. Accord...
With Fall on the horizon, the approaching seasonal change signals the perfect time to shop for great deals! Temperatures and prices seem to drop simul...
Has your personal property or “stuff” taken over your space? It may be time to clear the clutter from your home. We have 7 signs to help you dec...
If you are considering retiring in your own home, it is important to create a plan to do so comfortably. There are many issues that arise that can mak...
As baby boomers prepare to downsize or age in place, streamlining possessions becomes a necessity. In most cases, boomer parents find it difficult to ...
A hazard free home is a decluttered home. Keeping your home clear and clutter free could be a small task you do daily. As you age, decluttering can be...